tutorial: Using local fill lights to create a richer ambient environment

this tutorial is based on the work of John Kahrs, Lighting for Computer Graphics, Pixel Cinematography Course notes, Siggraph '96

Maya model and shaders by Jim McCampbell.

basic_setup download maya scene file
this is the lighting that we are trying to achieve

sky_light reflected_light
first look at the light that would be cast from the sky through the windows next consider how that light would hit the floor and bounce up onto the walls and the ceiling

sun streams in
the sun streams in the window and casts shadows

all together adding ambient
all together a small bit of warm ambient gives a slightly brighter look to the attic

Assignment description:
This tutorial will introduce the student to how lighting illuminates a space and how to simulate that look with digital lighting. The student will be introduced to the techniques of simulated reflected light, ambient light and direct source lights.

Students will download the provided Maya scene file which contains a model of the attic room without lights. All of the shaders for the attic are provided in the file as is the correct camera angle which is the AtticCam. Students will create a lighting model that takes into consideration all light sources and reflected light that appear in the provided scene.

This project will result in the creation of still images which display a defined lighting situations.

Technical Requirements:

  1. half-resolution image of the sky light source alone in the attic
  2. half-resolution image of the reflected light source alone in the attic
  3. half-resolution image of the sun light source alone in the attic
  4. half-resolution image of all the above sources together
  5. half-resolution image of all of the above plus an ambient to brighten the room